With 1,355 suspects, the National Narcotics Agency revealed 914 cases of narcotics

PojokWarta. The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has revealed 914 drug cases by assigning 1,355 people as suspects, throughout 2018. In that case, it involved around 83 drug syndicate networks where the number of syndicates was reduced compared to 2017 which reached 99 networks.

"This nation is being faced with an emergency drug situation so that serious efforts are needed to overcome it. Efforts to reduce supply and demand continue to be carried out in a balanced manner, "said BNN Head Komjen Heru Winarko in a year-end release at Cawang BNN Building, East Jakarta, Thursday.

From the cases revealed by BNN, the evidence seized throughout 2018 was shabu 3.4 tons, marijuana 1.39 tons, ecstasy 469,619 grains, ecstasy powder 1.88 kilograms, katinone 68 kilograms, heliotropin 9.9 kilograms, amb fubinaca 494 , 60 grams, 6.1 kilograms precursor powder, amphetamine 65 kilograms, carisoprodol (PCC) 280,163 grains, 0.12 gram cocaine and 5-fluoro-ADB (NPS) 52.9 grams.

Meanwhile for Money Laundering (TPPU) revealed by BNN, there were 53 cases with 70 suspects and total assets seized as much as Rp 229 billion. The large number of cases and the amount of evidence revealed were evidence of BNN's hard work and strong cooperation with agencies related to both the TNI, National Police and Customs.

"One proof of the synergy was carried out, namely the disclosure of the 1.03 ton Shabu case in Batam waters in February 2018," explained Heru.

Eradication steps will not have a significant impact if they are not balanced with demand reduction, or a reduction in drug demand through preventive measures. In the context of prevention starting from rural areas, the National Narcotics Agency together with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Village of PDTT have pioneered the Shining Village program (free from drugs).

"This program involves three pillars, namely Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas, and Village Heads and Puskesmas. To increase public understanding of the dangers of drugs. "The National Narcotics Agency has also carried out a stop drug campaign to 5,500 people, and 4,498 people have formed anti-drug volunteers," Heru explained.

Through the Desa Bersinar program which has just been running in 2018, the National Narcotics Agency has identified 654 drug-prone locations and intervened through anti-drug empowerment programs in 55 locations, namely in 36 urban areas and 19 rural areas.


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