Golkar Chairperson South Tanjungbalai Fired, Due to Affected by Sabu Case

Lensa Aktual. Chairman of the Golkar Party in South Tanjungbalai Sub-District, Agusyanto was involved in sending 15 kilograms (kg) of methamphetamine narcotics and had been secured at the Tanjungbalai North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Police Station.

Tanjung Balai Police Chief AKBP Irfan Rifai said Agus was arrested along with two other suspects, namely police officers who were on duty at the Tanjungbalai Police Intelligence Unit, Brigadier Dicky Purwanto (30) and foreign nationals (WNA) from Malaysia Nur Famizal Bin Ramdan (23).

"The three were arrested on Jalan Cokroaminoto, Kisaran Barat. The evidence seized was 15 kg of methamphetamine," Irfan told reporters on Thursday.

In addition to 15 kg of methamphetamine, the police also secured 3 black backpacks, 1 unit of Suzuki Vitara white BK 1686 SA, 1 unit of Toyota Innova black BK 1565 TW, and a number of cellular phones.

Separately, Acting (Acting) Chairperson of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Golkar DPD Ahmad Doli Kurnia confirmed that his party immediately fired Agusyanto after getting information about the arrest.

"We have immediately fired today. As soon as we get the information, I immediately ordered the Chairman of the Golkar Regional Representative Council, Tanjungbalai, to immediately take action. So the action was taken and immediately taken action," said Doli.


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