Ethical Statement of Ethics According to the Chairperson of the Assembly of the Prophet

KolomFakta. The Chairman of the Rasulullah Assembly, Habib Nabil Al Musawa regretted the comments of the politician Ruhut Sitompul who had offended Arab descendants in the case of the ensnared execution Habib Bahar bin Smith. According to the leader of the largest assembly in Indonesia, Ruhut's statement was unethical because it offended SARA.

. "It is unique to comment on carrying out SARA (tribalism, religion, racism and intergroup)," Habib Nabil said. Habib Nabil requested that all criticisms or personal cases should not be directed at races, groups, especially certain religions. Moreover, those who say are people who are now on the national political stage.

According to him, if there are criticisms related to personal cases, it is more elegantly directed personally. Not just offending certain races. He also asked all parties to hold back emotions and act elegantly.

"We recommend that all be directed at people not on certain races, groups, and religions. This is advice for everyone, not only for Ruhut. Let us guard the unity and unity of our beloved country, which is built with Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, don't be emotional, "said the leader of the assembly who has millions of followers in a number of countries.

Habib Nabil did not let the Ruhut statement be deliberately made to hurt the hearts of the people of Arabic descent in general. Because all this time the commitment of Arab-Indonesian nationalism has been recorded in the history of the book of the nation's struggle.

Until now many figures from Arab-Indonesian descent were not only influential in terms of publicity, but in general society. Just mention Almighty Habib Munzir Al Musawa, Lutfi Habib, and other habib who have a number of assemblies, colleges, and Islamic boarding schools throughout the archipelago.

The events of the Sultanate and Kingdom were led by Arab descendants, such as the Sultanate of Siak. "The Arab descendants have shown that there is a religion that is very tolerant in our beloved country," Habib Nabil said.

Previously, Ruhut Sitompul Arabic linked descent in the case that ensnared Habib Bahar Bin Smith. "Why is Bahar the Arab descendant just being held? Seeing his barbarity persecuting the Indonesian people's underage" All Humans are the same before the Law "both Ordinary People Habib Ustadz Reverend Father Monk General Lawyer Prosecutor Whoever He Is. # 01JokowiLagi MERDEKA, "One of the tweets uploaded by his personal Twitter account, @ruhutsitompul.

It doesn't stop there. Ruhut again linked Arab descendants in a case that ensnared Bahar's persona. Ruhut then compared to the Arab and native racial identity of the Indonesian people in the position of the perpetrator with the victim.

"Fadli Zon is a more advanced level of stress, Si Bahar who is of Arabic descent. He puts his body in defense, in the case of original Indonesian people being tortured by the masking religious leaders" West Java Police Chief 100 points in Law # 01JokowiLagi MERDEKA.

This Ruhut uploaded immediately to a reaction among warganet. There are some who support. But there are also those who claim this statement as a form of racism.

Not only this time, Ruhut commented controversially regarding Arab descent. In 2009, "the Arabs have never helped Indonesia." Ruhut immediately apologized for his comments.

In 2014, Ruhut's return was a result of offending people of Arab descent. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf, who felt he was killed by Ruhut as a result of being called "hey Arab" via telephone.


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