The suppression of Uighur Muslims, MUI NTB condemns

LiputanNet. The case of the Chinese authorities' suppression of Uighur Muslims as a minority group in Xinjiang Province, China has again become a public concern in the country. A number of community elements held a demonstration condemning the actions of the Chinese government which was considered to violate human rights.

The Board of Trustees of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) of West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) TGH Hazmi Hamzar requested that Chinese descendants in NTB join in voicing condemnation of the Chinese government's actions. "Chinese (Chinese) figures in Indonesia, also in NTB should talk about the oppression in order to stop. Otherwise there will be retaliation in other countries, including in Indonesia. Don't let this issue become a fire in Indonesia," Hazmi said in Mataram.

Hazmi said that she had also contacted the Central MUI management and the NTB MUI to issue a statement to prevent a bad situation that could potentially occur after the suppression of the Muslim minority in China has actually been going on for a long time. He also contacted the Chairperson of the NTB MUI to immediately coordinate with the police so that the seeds of conflict did not emerge on the basis of sentiments towards certain ethnic groups triggered by events abroad.

He said, during the case of the massacre by Myanmar's military junta against Rohingya in 2017, Buddhist leaders in NTB also nationally issued statements of condemnation of acts of human rights violations there. Statements from Buddhist leaders at that time contributed to the cool climate of domestic tolerance amid the issue of genocide against Muslim minorities in Myanmar.

"This is what we hope for at this time so that Chinese figures will also act, and also ask the Chinese government to stop all forms of violence against Uighur Muslims," ​​Hazmi said. Hazmi also urged the Islamic Cooperation Organization (OIC) to save the fate of Uighur Muslims who are now in the world spotlight.


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