Sandiaga Pilgrimages to the Tomb of Bung Karno

FaktaId. Candidate for Vice President (candidate) number 2 Sandiaga Uno is on a pilgrimage to Soekarno's first President's tomb in Bendogerit Sub-district, Blitar City, East Java, in his political safari ahead of the 2019 Presidential Election. Sandi claimed to be inspired by Bung Karno.

"We pilgrimage to the tomb of the proclamator, Sukarno prayed that it would be lit up by his barzah, lined up with his grave received by Allah," he said after the pilgrimage at Bung Karno's grave, Soekarno's nickname at Bendogerit Sub-District, Sanan Wetan Sub-District, Blitar City, Wednesday afternoon.

Sandi claimed to have been inspired by a proclamator who was able to become a spokesperson for the people. As a young generation, the spirit of Bung Karno is worth emulating.

"There was inspiration from the proclamator as a spokesperson for the people and the younger generation with an optimistic spirit. This nation must be better and Indonesia must be justly prosperous, baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur," he said.

Meanwhile, related to optimism in gaining votes in Blitar, considering Blitar is the base of PDIP, Sandiaga claimed he was trying to capture the aspirations of the citizens of Blitar, so he deliberately came.

"Of course we want to capture the aspirations of the people in Blitar. We see an extraordinary potential from Blitar City, Blitar Regency and the surrounding areas, of course, this is our hope to make the new economy in 2019 with policies that favor MSMEs," he said.

He also added that there were work that had to be immediately sought for solutions to people's problems, for example, prices of basic commodities to employment. With this problem, of course it becomes a separate material for making policies that can provide opportunities for citizens. Moreover, Indonesia is very rich, "gemah ripah loh jinawi".

He said that Jakarta had an egg supply from Blitar, with a long-term cooperation agreement. The program can be replicated to improve synergy.

"What was initiated by DKI could be a model for future cooperation to produce self-sufficiency and stable prices of basic commodities," said Sandiaga.

Sandiaga came to the tomb by getting escort from sympathizers and administrators of the supporting parties. Previously he used the land route from Malang. Sandiaga goes straight into the tomb area and pilgrimage. He prayed and sowed flowers.

After the pilgrimage, Sandiaga is scheduled to meet with Blitar farmers, cadres, and community leaders. His political safari also continued to Tulungagung, meeting entrepreneurs and leaders in the district.


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