Lonely News, Seabrek Anies Baswedan Award

PojokId. The media has lost one function, by not preaching the news that actually has "selling points" seen from any angle. Has the weight of the news to be reported, but not reported. Then the media concerned can be said to deny their noble work, betray their corps: the media loses the function of reporting news that is worthy of reporting, as information to the public.

The media thus chooses to work not on its function, tends to enter the area of ​​practical politics, with support for certain political parties or a political figure, in order to hit other political parties or other political figures.

The public is presented with news that is not true, even often filled with news that continues to be fried with misleading opinions. Reason and common sense of the people try to be deceived by the technique of reporting framing on opinions made, and it is continually being reported. Hoping that the community will eventually be led to the opinion they made.

While the reality that is worth reporting, is not reported. Picky and likes the media to preach it: Elephants in eyelids are invisible, but ants across the ocean appear. This is the model of media coverage lately.

Disgusting the logic of society which is not co-opted by rotten opinions. The media struggles as initiated by the early period of independence which had an idealistic character, both the owners and crew of the media concerned, now only the story remains.

Some media are controlled by a handful of people, both from business people or politicians. Therefore, there are media that are full of business interests and patterns of certain political parties. With the media they have, they control the media as desired and make the media crew, the journalists, as if they were robots without conscience.

For journalists who still have idealism and a healthy conscience, they are confused about positioning themselves. Confused if you have to leave where he will have to dock later, and if you choose to continue working in it, it will be your own mental and moral pain.

Achievement with Lack of News

Anies Rasyid Baswedan was called the governor of Indonesia. Is the nickname of the tongue slip from Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo towards the Governor of DKI Jakarta. The Minister said when inaugurating the Association of Indonesian Provincial Governments (APPSI). But Tjahjo dismissed, the expression was given to Anies, because the workload of Jakarta was very heavy, where all layers of society and ethnic groups in Indonesia gathered and worked in the provincial capital. So it's worth it if Anies is called the governor of Indonesia.

A year or so less, Anies led the capital city, and made many achievements. However, although it is full of achievements, Anies is not a choice for mainstream media to be reported. Not a media darling. Different from its predecessor, Ahok, which continued to be preached by the media, especially certain 'news television' every time. Even though what he does is work that actually has no news value.

Ahok's habit every morning surrounded by people who complained at City Hall, news that was repeated, even fried until burnt. Not exactly know the person who complained was really or the hired person who was part of the setting of the news to the character that was addressed. Poor Anies.

In this year (2018), Anies Baswedan, as the Governor of Jakarta, received several awards from government and private institutions. But it was quiet from mainstream media coverage - not including Republika print media and TVOne.

It is appropriate if M. Saiful Jihad, Executive Director of the Jakarta Public Service (JPS) praises Anies by stating, "Outstanding regional achievements. So it deserves to win MURI. "

There were at least 21 awards from government agencies received by Anies. While from the private institution Anies also received a number of awards.

In 2018, Anies received an award from a government institution, including three awards from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The Implementation of Excellent Public Service and Excellent Service from the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatus-Reformation, the Most Informative Provincial Government Body Qualification Award from the Central Information Commission, the Indonesian Democratic Index Award (the Province with the Best Democratic Index from BPS).

Universal Health Care Award: Healthy Indonesia National Card-Health Network, Province with Coverage of Health Insurance for Residents Above 95 percent (Increased from 78 percent to 98 percent within six months) from the Health Social Security Organizing Agency, Provincial Government with High Commitment to Implementation of Social Guidance for Street Children from the Ministry of Social Affairs, three awards from the Ministry of Manpower, Award for 10 Child Friendly Cities from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. And many more awards escaped from mainstream media coverage.

While Anies was rewarded by private institutions, among others: 2018 Obsession Award in the category of Best Achiever in Regional Leader, Mr. Award for Increasing Indonesian Teacher Competence from IGI, Grand Property Award. And the Moeslim Choice Award 2018 award for the 1st Anniversary of Moeslim Choice Media.

New in the Anies era, the Persija club successfully married the 2018 League 1 Champion title and 2018 President Cup Cup Champion. Different news if the media reports on President Jokowi who is always the darling media. Watching a group concert in Metallica rock alone invited news excitement. Very unfair indeed.


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