in Tangerang, Formalin Foodstuffs Still Found

IdNasional. The Tangerang City Food Task Force team managed to find some food in the form of skin, intestines, and chicken meat from five different stalls in Anyar Market. Not only that, there are several types of vegetables that contain pesticides.

Head of Agriculture, Tangerang City Food Security Service, Ibnu Ariefyanto, said that his office immediately examined several samples taken directly from traders, in front of Anyar Market. Checking is done by laboratory tests to determine the chemical content in food ingredients.

"We found that intestines and chicken meat contained formalin and other types of harmful preservatives. In addition, we also confiscated some vegetables containing pesticides from traders," he said after conducting a sudden inspection (sidak) at Anyar Market, Tangerang, Thursday.

He said, food that is positive for chemicals will be tested further in the central laboratory. That way, the accuracy of the lab test can be ascertained the truth.

Ibnu explained that some food containing formaldehyde would react to change color to purple when tested by the lab. According to him, the color showed a positive result that the food contained formalin.

He could not yet believe the level of formalin contained in the food. However, he added, low and high levels are equally harmful to health.

"The impact is only felt if it's been a long time," he said.

Ibnu said that his party would confiscate positive food. In addition, he will reprimand traders who sell formalin foodstuffs.

Head of the Tangerang City Metro Police Special Criminal Unit, Supriyanto said his party would follow up on the findings. He emphasized that the traders identified as selling dangerous food.

"We will conduct checks and checks on traders. We will see sanctions and legal proceedings in the future," he said.

In addition to checking laboratories for foodstuffs, the operation also monitors the stability of prices and food stocks. He claimed, until now the price of basic necessities is still stable. He also said there were no indications of stockpiling.

"Today we check the availability of food stocks and prices. From the results, availability is sufficient. Prices are also stable. We are aiming for samples to test the health of food," he said.

Tangerang City PD Market Director Titien Mulyati said, until now it was still sufficient until the end of the year. While food prices, he continued, are still relatively stable even though there are some increases.

"Eggs do not increase significantly, from Rp. 22 thousand to Rp. 26 thousand. Rice is still around Rp. 8,000 to Rp. 12 thousand," he said.

One egg trader, Har (50 years old), the price of his merchandise has increased since the last 10 days. According to him, the price increase was caused by weather factors which began to enter winter.

"Because the supply is lacking. If the rain is cold, chickens rarely lay eggs," he said.


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