in 2018, Manufacturing Industry Investment Plummeted 17 Percent

Channel Indonesia. The Ministry of Industry said that investment in the non-oil and gas processing (manufacturing) industry was only Rp226.18 trillion in 2018, or dropped by 17.69 percent from last year's Rp274.8 trillion.

According to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) data processed by the Ministry of Industry, investment in the manufacturing sector in 2017 also declined from 2016 which reached Rp335.8 trillion. Whereas in previous years, investment in the manufacturing sector has always grown.

Airlangga's Minister of Industry said harmonization and synchronization of investment regulations needed time to run optimally. Although the investment trend has slowed in the last two years, Airlangga believes that the renewal of the regulation is able to encourage investors to enter Indonesia.

In November, the government issued a revision of the tax holiday facility regulation as stipulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 150 / PMK.010 / 2018 concerning Provision of Corporate Income Tax Deduction Facilities (Corporate Income Tax). In the new tax holiday rules, the government expanded the tax holiday facility receiving sector.

"Of course there is certainty for investors to enter, especially with the certainty of a tax holiday through the OSS (Online Single Submission)," Airlangga said in his office on Wednesday.

Airlangga claimed to have pocketed several investments in 2019. He detailed, there were investments from PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (TPIA) of US $ 5.4 billion and PT Lotte Chemical US $ 3.5 billion for the company's expansion needs.
Airlangga also said that two global automotive manufacturers, namely Volkswagen from Germany and Hyundai from South Korea, plan to invest in Indonesia.

In addition, the Taiwanese electronics manufacturing company Pegatron Corporation, which assembles iPhone cellphones, will build a factory in Batam starting in mid-2019.

"Then there is the relocation of expansion from the textile industry, clothing (clothing), footwear (textiles and textile products / TPT). This is because there is a trade war (trade war) China-US has an effect," said Airlangga.

For this year, the five sectors with the largest investment were, among others, the metal, computer, electronic goods, machinery and equipment sectors amounting to IDR 58.2 trillion, the food and beverage sector amounting to IDR 56.2 trillion, the chemical sector amounting to IDR 48.69 trillion, the sector transportation equipment amounted to Rp. 17.44 trillion, and the textile and apparel sector amounted to Rp. 8.75 trillion.


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